Headed out for Day 2 of LegalTech New York 2011 and thought I'd drop a quick rundown on my take from Day 1 for anyone that's interested.
As expected, the most plentiful chocolate in the box is eDiscovery. A tweet from Peter Buck (@backofthenapkin) described my sentiment perfectly, "#legaltech is like going to a foreign country if you R not a e-discovery maven." There certainly is no shortage of vendors to talk to about it and it permeates nearly every conversation I've been in thus far.
What was a bit surprising to me was the lack of Social Media sessions being held yesterday. As I said, there were plenty of eDiscovery discussions, but I only saw one Social Media talk on the agenda. When I poked my head in the room it wasn't a huge audience and the most active part of the conversation was about Twitter follower counts...the discussion seemed a bit 'non-attached' to how I believe Social Media can benefit law firms. The lack of info about the topic kind of confirmed for me that the majority of firms, and lawyers, are not yet at a point of eager adoption.
Finally, my favorite part of LegalTech was in full force...reconnecting with customers, partners, and colleagues. I've noticed that there seem to be many more CIO/CTO's in attendance this year which I think is a good thing. But, networking at these events and hearing straight from the customer about their challenges and successes is what conferences like this are all about for me...and it's a communication point that no social media app can completely fill.
Now to see where and when #Tsnow-nami 2011 is going to strike and strand us in NYC. (Credit to @pnear for the Tsnow-nami tag...I was there and he was the first to coin the trending term ;-) )
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